Thursday, May 27, 2010


Being part of the SGK 3-Day for the Cure is more than raising money to fight cancer, it's a bonding experience.  I am part of a huge movement of incredible people who all have the same goal.  Save lives.

When I was training and then when I walked last year I heard so many stories.  Some were the same as mine: I am doing this because I can and everyone deserves a life time.  But others were harder to tell. But they shared them with me.  Each time I realized how lucky I was to meet this person, to become friends with someone else who cared, cared about the future enough to walk miles and miles, not just the 60 together but the hundreds of training miles.

I cry a lot normally - I wear my heart on my sleeve - so I cried a lot during the training walks and at the actual event (not big sobs just the tears that slip out of the corner of my eyes). But at the end of the walk when we held up our shoes I was crying with joy.  We had raised a lot of money, raised a lot of awareness and bonded with so many people.

Last week I went to a training walk and met some new amazing women, women who will walk hundreds of miles and raise thousands of dollars.  How amazing to be part of that.
